
Our new language arts curriculum comes with a wonderfully supportive website.  Use this link to read books, find resources, print practice sheets or simply explore what we have done and what we will be doing.

In addition to their language arts site, they also have a good math site.  While it is not our current adoption (see the link below), it follows the same standards.

Our current adoption also has a site with online activities and student support.

We will use this site in Novemer as we discuss our area pre-settlers and what life was like for the first settlers on Plymouth Plantation


This game, developed by PBS, was designed to run like Oregon Trail, where students select characters and make choices in their quest for gold during California's Gold Rush.

More Gold Rush activites from PBS


If you are in need of a little extra practice, or just want to master skills you already have, this is a great site to find worksheets on specific skills in all subjects.